Video Contest Toys Center with BuzzMyContest

Video Beethoven with Santa Claus with BuzzMyContest
After the big success of last year, the competition with the children as a main stars and their video letter for Santa Claus, came back..
All mobile oriented mechanics, featuring a dedicated app and omnichannel design.
From the smartphone the procedure is easy, fast and intuitive, it starts with the name of the child or child and its age, then creates the list of wishes and goes to the integration with the video contest on social networks by logging in with the own facebook account through integration with the BuzzMyContest platform.
After login you will be asked for the main data and you are ready to record the 30 “video chat where each child can ask Santa Claus for the gifts he wishes.
You control the preview of the video and click on the submit button for approval, the last screen warns you to check the mail. The video is checked and approved (or not approved) through the back office of the BuzzMyContest social contest platform.
In each case, the participant receives an email with the wish list associated with an EAN code and shared with the ToysCenter’s 130 store outlets in Italy plus the mail, complete with facebook notification, of the video’s publication and on the ToysCenter’s official facebook page.
From that moment of the “buzz score” begins a ranking by assigning a “score” to each video based on views, shares, impressions, and comments. At the end of the competition, a jury will choose the video from the first ten, based on the criteria set out in the regulation.
BuzzMyContest also integrates with the youtube channel of ToysCenter uploading and sharing videos on their official page.
All campaign data and the main KPI are monitored and usable in real time in the special section of the BuzzMyContest back office.
The App and creativity of the project have been developed by OKNetwork. Triboo has dealt with the integration of the customer database and the email management tool, TUM Italia provided the video contest platform and developed the instat win algorithm. Toshiba is the owner of the ToysCenter Cache Management System to integrate the wish list. Alessandro Angilella (digital director Prénatal Retail Group) and his team have devised and guided the whole project.
The contest, instat win with super final prize without obligation to buy, started on November 3 and will end on 18 December.
For more information and to download the App of the competition click here